For the many teachers transitioning to virtual classrooms and the millions of parents looking for resources to keep kids learning in the meantime, this list is for you! Covering all subjects, from math to science, language arts, social studies, art, and music, these are some of the best educational resources you can find on the internet for high schoolers.
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1. Hippocampus offers free lessons in advanced math subjects including calculus, statistics, and trigonometry.
2. All In One High School is a free curriculum resource for homeschoolers. It’s broken down by subjects, such as algebra or geometry, and links to videos, quizzes, and activities each day.
3. FreeMathapp allows students to enter equations from their textbook or assignment and then helps them break it down step by step.
4. has printable reference tables to help with algebra, calculus, trigonometry, etc.
5. Fiveable is an app that live-streams lessons for AP course material.
6. SAT Prep through Khan Academy. Kids can see where they’re at and then immediately get help understanding questions they missed.
7. Online Math has games organized by subject, such as algebra, geometry, and precalc.
8. Dave’s Short Trig Course is from Clark University and offers a basic intro to trigonometry.
9. Purple Math is designed to help the struggling algebra student.
10. Fiveable livestreams lessons in AP course material, such as AP chemistry.
11. Bill Nye the Science Guy is cool with teens.
12. Chem Matters has articles and videos searchable by topic.
13. Hippocampus has videos in chemistry, biology, physics and earth science.
14. Fizzics offers 150 science activities for older students.
15. Experiment Monkey offers games, videos, activities and experiments.
16. Virtual Urchin from Stanford University is an intensive study in sea urchins.
17. Anatomy Arcade offers games, interactive activities, flashcards, and videos.
18. Flipping Physics teaches through comedic videos and gifs.
19. University of California Museum of Paleontology has fun, interactive lessons dinosaurs, evolution, geology and more, including “What Did T-Rex Taste Like?”
20. Hippocampus has videos in language arts, literature, grammar and writing.
21. Project Gutenberg has over 60,000 free ebooks.
22. Open Culture has thousands of free audiobooks.
23. Literacy Web from the University of Connecticut is a great resource for lesson plans and videos.
24. Poetry Foundation has a vast collection of poetry with info and discussion.
25. All in One High School offers its “easy peasy” curriculum free. It breaks it down by subject daily with exercises, printables, links to resources and videos.
26. Curriki has an expository writing lesson plan, as well as info on grammar and literature.
27. SAT Prep is a productive way to spend hours at home.
28. Turn It In guides high school students to write strong, original essays.
29. The University of North Carolina’s Writing Center has tips and tools for every aspect of writing.
30. Common Lit has essay passages and comprehension questions.
31. Purdue Owl is a great resource for correctly formatting essays. This is a good time for high school students to become familiar with MLA, APA, etc. before heading to college.
32. Good Reads offers reviews of thousands of books. Have kids pick a book to read and then post their own review.
33. English Grammar Online has a great variety of lessons for teaching English as a foreign language, but it also offers great games and activities that can be used at home or in the classroom.
34. Hippocampus has videos in history, social studies, government, economics, humanities and religion.
35. History Matters is filled with great resources and info.
36. Sociology Source offers lessons, discussion prompts and activities.
37. Best History lets you browse by topic and then access lesson plans.
38. Women’s Natural History Museum has an online digital classroom database of lesson plans.
39. Crash Course by John and Hank Green offers videos diving deep into specific topics in sociology, psychology, history, government, etc.
40. Teaching History has lesson plans and materials for a huge range of events and time frames.
41. Historical Thinking Matters offers resources and guidance to help students develop critical thinking about history.
42. Stanford University allows students to participate in free lessons and assessments from their history department.
43. Digital History offers tons of data on events in US History.
44. Pixar in a Box offers behind the scenes looks at animation.
45. Violin Online offers free sheet music and beginner violin lessons.
46. Virtual Drumming turns computer keyboards into percussion sets.
47. Women’s Natural History Museum has an online digital classroom database of lesson plans.
48. Watch Know Learn has videos on artists and art concepts.
49. Google Arts and Culture has a new lesson or activity each day, such as cool things to do with your phone camera or a look into Frida Kahlo’s diary.
50. Creating Music lets users create and listen to their own musical masterpieces.
51. The Smithsonian has oral histories of jazz.
52. BBC Music Planet has videos showcasing music from around the world.
53. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has guides and discussion questions for many pieces of art.
54. The Art Institute of Chicago has free educator lesson plan packets.
55. Crash Course has very informative looks into art topics with authors Hank and John Green.
56. Artsology explores topics like “how do artists portray emotion through their work?”
57. Debbie Allen actress, director, choreographer and dancer, is teaching dance classes on Instagram live. Check out her Instagram page for the schedule.
58. Playbillhas a list of Boadway plays you can watch at home.
59. Bomomo is a cool digital drawing website that lets users doodle and create.
60. The National Gallery of Art has interactive activities and lessons.
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