Sitting in staff meetings that could’ve easily been an email is one of the worst parts about being a teacher. The frustration builds and this is usually how you can find teachers reacting.

1. Trying to tell your friend to look at the text you just sent her/him…

Kevin Hart staring with wide eyes gif_10 Faces Teachers Make During Staff Meetings

2. Listening to admin speak…

angry cat gif_10 Faces Teachers Make During Staff Meetings

3. Making eye-contact with admin…

Nene Leakes real housewives fake smiling gif_10 Faces Teachers Make During Staff Meetings

4. When someone asks a question at the end to prolong it another 5-10 minutes…

real housewives woman giving a dirty look gif_10 Faces Teachers Make During Staff Meetings

5. When it’s a mandatory meeting after school and you just can’t handle any more school nonsense…

woman rubbing the temples on the sides of her head gif_10 Faces Teachers Make During Staff Meetings

6. When you can’t stop thinking about how this could have been a simple email…

Jean-Luc Picard star trek scoffing gif_10 Faces Teachers Make During Staff Meetings

7. When you and your friend are recognized for doing something well in your classes…

buzz lightyear and woody winking at each other gif

8. When you’re not paying attention because you’re thinking about something funny that happened earlier in your class…

Jim from the office laughing to himself gif

9. When you completely disagree with something that’s being discussed, but you hold yourself back from voicing your opinion because it’s only going to make the meeting longer…

Steven Colbert thinking, tapping pen gif

10. When admin tries to make a joke to break the ice and you’re not amused…

Rosie Perez making

Read: What Teachers Really Think During Staff Meetings

10 Faces Teachers Make During Staff Meetings - featured image