Students are constantly coming up with new slang words that we adults have a hard time keeping up with and understanding. So it’s time the teachers have their own slang… introducing T-Slang!
1. Crayola:
Definition: cray-cray; crazy; off the walls
Use in a sentence: My class was “crayola” today, I almost lost my shitake mushrooms.

2. SHBAE (pronounced: shh-bay)
Definition: Should Have Been An Email
Use in a sentence: That staff meeting was totally “SHBAE” this afternoon!

3. Chopper
Definition: chopper = helicopter (parents)
Use in a sentence: Josh’s parents are total “choppers“, it all makes so much sense now.

4. Gray-gray
Definition: Spending all night or all weekend grading papers.
Use in a sentence: My weekend was “gray-gray“!

5. IBH
Definition: Inappropriate But Hilarious
Use in a Sentence: One of my students said something so “IBH” today, I couldn’t stop myself from laughing out loud in class!

6. LAPM (pronounced: lap-em)
Definition: Literally Almost Peed Myself
Use in a Sentence: Today during 4th period, I had a “LAPM” moment.

Definition: Summer, Where Are You?
Use in a sentence: Today was a rough day… “SWAY“!

8. USO
Define: Unidentified Sticky Object
Use in a sentence: There’s nothing worse than finding a “USO” on a paper when grading assignments.

9. Lam & chill
Definition: Laminate and drink wine
Use in a sentence: I can’t wait to “lam & chill” all weekend.

10. Elmer’d
Definition: to be stuck (Elmer’s glue)
Use in a sentence: I was late to school this morning because I got Elmer’d in traffic!

11. Bob
Definition: Bob = Bob Marley > We Jammin’ > jam (the copier)
Use in a Sentence: Who keeps “Bob’ing” the copier and leaving it like that?

12. Fresh Prince
Definition: to jam the copier (Bob Marley – We Jammin’)
Use in a sentence: Hey Ms. Jones, I just wanted to let you know that “Fresh Prince” re-runs are playing all day today.

13. Extra credit
Definition: extra > over the top, excessive
Use in a Sentence: Karen was being so “extra credit” during the staff meeting with all those questions at the end!

14. Reese’s
Definition: good (because Reese’s peanut butter cups are delicious); like Gucci, but… Reese’s.
Use in a Sentence: Today was actually “Reese’s“. I only had to repeat the instructions like 3 times!

15. Rose Art
Definition: bad quality
Use in a sentence: My last pair of shoes were so “Rose Art“. They fell apart after 2 months!

16. Sub plans
Definition: something annoying
Use in a Sentence: I can’t stand when students tap their pencils on their desks. It’s so “sub plans“!

17. GOW (pronounced: like ‘how’ with a ‘g’)
Definition: Glass Of Wine
Use in a Sentence: 1. After a day like today, all I want is a GOW and my bed. 2. Hey, do you want a grab a GOW after the staff meeting after school?

18. Slax
Definition: getting slapped in the face by a wave of Axe Deodorant Spray after a student drenches themself with it
Use in a Sentence: It’s impossible to walk through the hallways without getting “slaxed” left and right.

19. BOSC (pronounced: boss-ck)
Definition: Bag Of Stress Candy
Use in a Sentence: I keep a BOSC in bottom desk drawer for those really tough days.

20. Figraine (pronounced: like ‘migraine’ with an ‘f’)
Definition: f*cking migraine
Use in a Sentence: Everyone, please stop talking while I’m talking, you’re giving me a “figraine“!

21. T-burn
Definition: the teacher look that burns and stops students in their tracks
Use in a sentence: I often give random kids in public the “t-burn” if I see them misbehaving.

22. MC Hammer
Definition: off-limits; not allowed to touch (“Can’t Touch This”)
Use in a sentence: I always tell my students that my flair pens and Expo markers are “MC Hammer” at the beginning of the year, so they know better.

23. Disgrossive
Definition: disgusting, gross, repulsive
Use in a sentence: I saw a student pick their scab and eat it today. It was the most ‘disgrossive” thing I’ve ever seen!

24. Marshmallow feet
Definition: walk quietly
Use in a sentence: OK class, when we walk through the halls, we need to put on our “marshmallow feet” so we don’t disturb the other classes.

25. IFC
Definition: Invisible Fart Cloud
Use in a Sentence: Of the many hazards of the teaching profession, walking directly into an “IFC” is one of the worst!

26. PTB
Definition: Parent-Teacher Beatdown; when parents insult you and blame you during a PTM
Use in a Sentence: I needed a shot of tequila after last night’s “PTB” with Jason’s parents.

27. Xerox
Definition: pain in the ass (like a copy machine)
Use in a sentence: Making sub plans is more “xerox” than just suffering through it at school.

28. Pencilepto
Definition: someone who steals pencils
Use in a sentence: I had to start marking all my pencils because my students are a bunch of “pencileptos“.

29. Shinge
Definition: spending your whole weekend or break binge-watching all the shows
Use in a sentence: During spring break, I plan to sleep in every day and “shinge” my a** off!

30. C’est la T!
Definition: only in teacher life
Use in a Sentence: Today, I had to tell my students to stop licking the floor. “C’est la T“!