User Content Submission
Have an article, video, or photo you want to submit for publication on Bored Teachers? Send it in!
Send in your video for a chance to win cash! We give out $200 to the best video submission each month. Winners will be selected at the end of every month, must be at least 18 years of age, and must have a valid PayPal account in order to receive their reward. Winners will be contacted by email at the contact email address entered in the submission form below and must respond confirming a valid PayPal email address within 14 days of being notified.
Have a great article you want us to published on our website and shared with millions of educators around the world on social media? Send it in for a chance to be a featured author on BT! If you’re a serious writer looking for a part-time or full-time position as a regular contributor to Bored Teachers, we’re always looking for experienced and talented writers! See our Careers page for more info.
Are you a YouTuber or TikToker who wants to join the BT squad and create your very own Show? Reach out to our Creative Content Team at!