With 10 seasons, the world-famous TV show Friends has made us laugh, cry, clap, and almost pee our pants. When you think about it, that’s a lot like teaching! That’s probably why so many scenes from the favorite show are so relatable. Here are 35 times Friends reminded us of the life of a teacher.

1. When admin asks for volunteers to help at a school event over the weekend…

2. When you return from break and haven’t seen your teacher BFF in a while…

3. When you’re doing a read aloud in class and you’re looking for students not paying attention to call on next…

4. When you’re grading papers and students use slang and acronyms in their writing…

5. When you’re sitting in a staff meeting that could have been an email…

6. Trying to make it to spring break like…

7. When you’re dancing to GoNoodle alone in your classroom after school and admin walks in…

8. When you see grammar mistakes all over your friends’ social media posts…

9. When you think about the kids at home with parents during school breaks…

10. When a student gives you something they found at home as a gift…

11. When you check the calendar at the end of each day of school to count how many days until the next break or day off…

12. When you turn the corner in the hallway and see some nauseating PDA…

13. How old you feel when you try to go out with friends these days…

14. Giving your class a pep talk before admin comes to observe your class…

15. When you pass by a mirror at the end of a long day of teaching and think, “OMG, did I look like this all day?!“…

16. When someone asks you what it’s like to be a teacher…

17. When you get sick but still go to school and suffer because it’s easier than making sub plans…

18. When admin asks if there’s anything they can do to help…

19. When your class is out of control and no one is listening…

20. When you sign the contract for your first teaching job…

21. When a parent tells you that their child never does that at home…

22. When a student taps their pencil on the desk, nonstop during class…

23. When students ask how you know when they are lying to you…

24. When your lesson plan is actually a royal success…

25. When you just finished giving the instructions for the 3rd time and a student asks, “What are we doing again?

26. When you get home and your own kids want you to cook dinner, wash their clothes, and help them with their homework…

27. When you’re surrounded by so many germs all day that you become a clean freak…

28. When a non-teacher says something like, “It must be nice to get 3 months of vacation every year!

29. When a teacher friend has had a rough week, and you know they need to vent…

30. Getting back to school after a crazy day like…

31. When students ask you if you graded the tests over the school break…

32. How you feel when you get home after your week of teaching…

33. Trying to make technology work in your classroom like…

34. When a student tells you to watch them do a cartwheel on the playground…

Also Read:

The Life of a Teacher: As Told By the TV Show Friends